Mexico has troubles with cartels, as well as Columbia, and strikes and riots begin in GuatemalaĮritrea, Djibuti, Algeria, Morocco, and Cyprus join the ATA. Yugoslavia continues to fight civil wars, and is putting in a bad taste in NATO's mouth. Congo defeats Rwanda earlier than OTL, and some insurgencies begin in Somalia and Myanmar, Palau does nothing.
Reports come out of Israeli persecution of Palestinians, and brutally murdering them, although Israel declines. Pakistan joins the ATA along with Egypt and Libya. in the last ATA meting of the year, they plot an invasion of Israel.
the USSR isn't saved, and becomes Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armestanian, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Bosnia and Yugoslavia continue their war, along with Zaire and Rwanda. India tests a nuke in response to the Pakistani nuke. Mexicans unsuccessfully break down the border.Īfghanistan, and Turkey join the ATA, due to ATA pressure, the OTL countries of Armenia and Georgia create the republic of Armestan. Croatia wins independence from Yugoslavia, and Bosnia begins its revolution. An insurgency at the Korean border commences. In Afghanistan, a fraction of the Taliban takes control. A few tons of nerve gas are created, much stolen from Iraq. Palestine rebels in Israel are supplied with weaponry. The Soviet Union collapses, with pressure from Iran, Saudi Arabia joins as well, along with Kuwait. July 29, 1988- Kurds protests, including a rebirth of the Kurdistan protests, causes Iraq to go into disarray.ġ989- Iran starts a chemical and biological weapons program, Iraq becomes a radical Shia state.ġ990-Iran, Iraq and Syria found the ATA, soon Jordan joins. June 4, 1988- Iraq's Takwalna ala allah fails, Iran starts a major offensive, and pushes Iraqi troops a little into Iraq April 17,1988- Iran keeps the Al-Faw peninsula, winning the Second Battle of Al-Faw.